
The toolbox is just one file, the qmm.py module. The module contains essentially three part.

  • The optimization algorithms, implemented as functions, that minimize

\[J(x) = \sum_k \mu_k \Psi_k(V_k x - \omega_k).\]
  • The Objective class that implements

\[\mu \Psi(V x - \omega)\quad \text{ with }\quad \Psi(u) = \sum_i \varphi(u_i)\]

where \(u\) is a vector and \(\varphi\) a scalar function.

  • The Loss class that implements \(\varphi\).


The first thing to do is to implement the forward operator \(V\) and adjoint \(V^T\). User is in charge of it. They are callable that could be Python functions or methods of objects.

def forward(array):
    # ...
    # do computation
    # ...
    return out  # An array or a list of array

def adjoint(out):
    # ...
    # do computation
    # ...
    return array

The forward parameter must accept a numpy.ndarray \(x\), of any shape, as unique parameter. I recommend using partial in the functools of the standard library, or using object oriented programming. The output of the forward operator must be

  • a ndarray of any shape,

  • or a list of ndarray (of any shape also).

Consequently, the adjoint operator must accept a ndarray or a list of ndarray as parameter, and returns a unique ndarray, of any shape, as output.


The list of array allows mixed operators, like combination of data observation models, or multiple regularization.

Everything is internally vectorized. Therefore, the use of list of array implies memory copies of arrays.


The second step is to instantiate loss function \(\varphi\), Huber for instance

from qmm import Huber, Objective, QuadObjective, mmmg
phi = Huber(delta=10)

Several losses are implemented, see Background and the qmm module.


Then, a Objective \(\mu \Psi(Vx)\) named prior can be instanced

prior = Objective(forward, adjoint, phi, hyper=0.01)

If a quadratic objective like \(\|y - H x\|_2^2\) is needed, the specific class QuadObjective can be used

data_adeq = QuadObjective(H, Ht, data=data)


In the example above, the hyperparameter value is set to \(\mu = 1\) and the data term is different that 0. For the prior term, the data is 0 by default and the hyperparameter is set to 0.01.

Optimization algorithms

Then you can run the algorithm, mmmg() for instance,

result = mmmg([data_adeq, prior], init, max_iter=200)

where the list [data_adeq, prior] means that the two objective functions are summed. The output result is an instance of OptimizeResult.


BaseObjective can be summed returning a MixedObjective that behave like a list with additional functionalities. The above is equivalent to

fun = data_adeq + prior
result = mmmg(fun, init, max_iter=200)

Two algorithms are proposed :

  • mmcg() that implements a Polak-Ribière Conjugate Gradient.

  • mmmg() that implements a subspace by Memory-Gradient with 2D step (that, therefore, include the conjugacy parameter).

Both algorithms have close form formula for the 1D or 2D step by Majorization-Minimization Quadratic.

In addition a Linear Conjugate Gradient lcg() is implemented for quadratic objective.